
28lbs in 28 days....

 So here's what we're gonna do...

First off my hat is off to you if you have decided to join me on this journey.  I make no promises that this will be easy, but we are gonna keep it simple and fun. 

I know myself well enough to know that now that I have committed to this 28lbs in 28 days goal I must call in reinforcements.  I am going to do my best to post daily for the next 28 days my ups, downs, and results of my own very personal weight loss journey. By putting it out there in front of you it will be harder to slack.  If you are watching, then I know the next time we run into each other and you ask me a direct question I will be forced to give an answer, and my competitive nature keeps me from wanting to have to admit defeat.  So you, dear reader, are now my accountability partner.

See, my kids are great and they give me high fives and all the right stuff - but they also love me and don't want to see me sad.  They are slightly more likely to let me slide off the hook - especially if it involves the kind of foods that got us into this project in the first place.  Hence the need to involve YOU.

So let's start by discussing the "rules".  Yes, I know.  I don't do well with rules either, but I feel as if a few guidelines are in order if we are gonna play together, so lets get started.

  1. POSITIVE PEOPLE ONLY ALLOWED!  I'm going to be brutally honest over the next little while - about how I got here and what I'm doing to fix it. I want to be able to share openly, and I want you to be able to comment openly, HOWEVER there is no room for negativity here and if people are going to "talk sh*t" I'm not gonna tolerate it.  'Nuff said.
  2. DON'T JUDGE ME!  We all have our personal demons and desires.  I'm choosing to share mine because I believe there are other people on the planet that might get something from it, and it may help them in some way to find the courage to fight their own battles.  This world is big enough for all of us, and only God has the power to judge. There will be things about me and my thoughts you don't like, and I'm okay with that.  in fact...
  3. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T READ IT. Simple enough? :)
  4. THERE IS NO RIGHT AND WRONG when it comes to our own personal weight loss journey. To each his own.  Try it - if it works keep doing it.  If it doesn't, try something else.
  5. WE'RE GONNA GET PERSONAL - and I might say or do things that are difficult for you to read. If that will be an issue for you I'm telling you now so you can read someone else's blog instead.
  6. THIS IS A FUN ZONE.  I am going to have fun.  My way. I encourage you to have fun too!
So enough of the fiddlefodder.... let the countdown to launch begin, and let's get ready to rumble!

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